Reaching the unreached starts with training.

Welcome to Daniél’s blogwebsite. If the Lord wants it and we live, I’m hoping to become a missionary soon. In particular, I’m hoping to become a missionary to the unreached people groups. That is to say, people groups that have absolutely no access to churches, missionaries, or even Bibles in their own language.

Though I would like to just book a plane ticket and go, reaching people in remote jungle areas requires some training beforehand. I’m hoping that this website will keep you informed on my activities during my time at North Cotes College. More importantly, this is a platform through which I regularly share prayer requests related to the Mission.

Latest News

  • Quick Insight Into Our Current Lessons
    I realise that many of you probably have no idea what exactly we are learning during our linguistics year. So, I decided to write this blog to show you some of what we are doing. The difficult thing is however, that if I start talking about “the phonological procedure that allows us to unite the…
  • Leaving for the final year in England
    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the summer as I visited friends in both the Netherlands and France. But the time has come to start the next leg of the journey, and this Monday I leave for England once again. These final months at the college will focus on linguistics. Formally this can be described as “the scientific…
  • A Day In The Life Of Mission Sim
    I made a video to show what a typical day looks like in mission simulation. I hope you enjoy getting a look into my daily life for these five weeks! In the video I mention how I wanted to show that it is really good preparation for the mission field. But, on the day after…
  • Mission Sim: Ready, Set, Go
    The greatest challenge of this year is at the doorstep: mission simulation. This week we’ve been setting up big army tents and starting from tonight we are confined to the terrain at the back of the campus for the coming five weeks. Just about everything we learned over the past 9 months will be relevant,…
  • Mission Training – Everyday Food?
    Here at the college, we have many great modules considering the things necessary for Church planting. Language learning, Bible-teaching curriculums, basic translation procedures, and living with limited technology are all things I expected to learn before coming here. What I didn’t expect to find challenging though, is that some of the changes to everyday life…