Last Monday I came back to NCC. It was really great to see so many familiar faces again, as well as to meet many new ones. Classes have been mostly about introduction, the most exciting of which was probably when we went over the core values of the missions organisation. On Thursday we also went for a walk with both students and teachers of the second and third year, which was a nice time for fellowship.
Next up will be a few days spent in the woodlands for survival training, and then we start with the modules church planting and animism.
Pray that you enjoy the survival trainimg Daniel but also thar your learn important skills that youbwill be able to use in futire.
Good to hear you’re progressing through your journey.
Also sounds like you’ve got some really interesting upcoming classes.
We’ll pray everything will fare well.
We also pray for much joy while going through your learning journey.
May God bless and guide you, and fill you with His abundant joy and love!