This week I came back from my family visit in South Africa. I had a wonderful and relaxing time with family and friends. But while I was in Potchefstroom, I also helped at Bafenyi – a local, Christian charity. I would like to share something about this, as it was really special to me.

I first got in touch with Bafenyi about six years ago, when my aunt used to work there. In the years after that I helped out several times for up to two weeks at a time. So when I arrived in South Africa, my aunt had already gone ahead and arranged for me to help out there again. Thus I was unprepared but not surprised, and very glad to have a chance to help out again.

Bafenyi is involved with all sorts of projects in the townships of Ikageng and Promosa near the city of Potchefstroom. The main thing I helped out with during my visit was the community groups. Five times a week they prepare a big bowl of stew and mielie-pap to hand out to people in need. Some of these groups consist of adults, while others consist of kids. But regardless of age, for many of them this is the only moment of the week they get to eat vegetables and not just starch.

However, the thing that I find to be truly amazing, is that they always hand out food for the spirit before handing out the food for the stomach. This consists of both singing and a message. (As for the Europeans reading this – you have a thing or two to learn about rhythm from the African people!) The message is usually short and to the point. I was privileged enough to do a few teachings myself. The one about Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2 was particularly well received.
I also helped out with some smaller things. Such as buying 38 sacks of oranges, helping someone learn to work with Excel, and checking if a donated computer was still in working order. Which it was, but with it running perfectly well on Windows98, it was not much use for an office in 2022!

I really believe that Bafenyi is doing a great work for the Lord. Not just in helping those in physical need (the principles of Matthew 25:31-46), but even more in helping them with their spiritual need. Teaching both those who know the Lord and those who do not yet know the Lord. I was glad to be a part of this for these few days that I could, and to so also bring glory to God.
It’s a real blessing to be able to help those in need.
We pray that people may truly be blessed by the Lord and that they may know Him.
We also pray for your work, that the Lord may Guide you in all of your ways and keep your path straight.
God bless!
It was so good to have you with us Daniel, the communities enjoyed having you around. Thank you for spending your time and sharing your skills with the team. Bafenyi Trust considers you as a part of our family. We are looking forward to having you with us again soon.
Much Love.
Bafenyi Trust
You are doing a great work daniel, keep it up.